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Unlock the best YouTube playback tools on the go.

App Information

Sep 17, 2024
App Description

GoTube is the perfect Android application for those who wish to enjoy watching YouTube content with premium playback features.


Enjoy a much better YouTube interaction with GoTube enabled on your Android devices.

Instead of having to work with the limited official app, you can unlock dozens of powerful playback features in GoTube. Use them to improve your interactions with your YouTube videos, playlists, and playback settings.

App Overview

Use all the main features of GoTube to access trending YouTube videos on the go. Choose and add any videos to your playlists without having to log in. Enjoy switching between different quality settings, including 240p, 360p, 720p, 1080p, and more. Have access to the ever-expanding library of music that you can stream online. The list goes on.

Great Features

Minimize and play in the background

You can now select and minimize the playback window without closing it. GoTube lets you play videos and audio in the background, so you can continue using other apps in the meantime. Also have the option to leave a small popup window, so you can watch the video while doing other business with your Android devices.

Discover many amazing songs and albums

Enjoy a huge collection of songs and albums on GoTube, which will let you have the most fun with your favorite pieces of music. Unlock artists, albums, tracks, playlists, and other songs within the app. Browse songs by choosing your favorite artists and subscribing to their music. Select the Genre option and immediately access a list of the top artists on the go.

Find your favorite songs with ease

The built-in search option makes it super easy to find your favorite songs and enjoy them. Simply enter GoTube and look up for yours from millions of different entries. Check for playlists, albums, and similar artists that are available in GoTube.

Subscribe to your types of music

With GoTube, you can subscribe to your favorite artists and music genres with ease. Have no trouble playing songs of your favorites from the personal playlists. Get recommended with music of your favorite artists, genres, and from your current playlists.

Enjoy the amazing playlists

Speaking of which, GoTube will offer the options to add and remove songs from playlists with one simple click. GoTube users can now select to quickly add, remove, transfer, and duplicate songs from one collection to another.

Reduce power consumption on your devices

With GoTube, Android users can enjoy listening to music and playing online videos without draining the battery too much. Use the video player to automatically reduce the phone brightness during video playback if needed. This lets you reduce power consumption while also enabling better watching experiences. At the same time, you can turn off the screen with the background playback to improve the battery life.

Use the app with Night Mode enabled

With Night Mode available, it’s possible to improve your in-app interactions, especially during lowlight conditions. Enable the feature so you can reduce eye strain while browsing the playlists or searching for videos. Also, the darkened UI also reduces the effects of blue light and make it easier for you to fall asleep.

Enable Sleep Timer for easy playback

Have no trouble using the sleep timer feature in GoTube to enjoy playing your videos and music before going to sleep. The enabled timer will help to close the app automatically when the time comes. You can enjoy listening to podcasts and music while falling asleep.


Feel free to use GoTube to improve your interactions with the video streaming platform and unlock better playback features.

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